The Lantana Club
"Membership of the Lantana Club is free;
It just costs you an arrow!"
It just costs you an arrow!"
Out beyond our club's usual 70 meter target line lies a large stretch of lantana plants. This patch of lantana is quite infamous for acquiring & hiding dramatically shot arrows by some of our club members.
Archers who lose an arrow in the club's lantana automatically join "The Lantana Club". For years, membership cards of this exclusive club were said to be "in the mail". In early 2021, they finally arrived in badge form and were handed out. If you or someone you know has qualified & not yet received a membership badge, please see a Club Committee member for assistance.
After considerable effort, some archers have managed to retrieve lost arrows from the lantana. It is possible, but just remember; The very nature of The Lantana Club is the very best you can do is break even with the lantana; You can never defeat it.
Levels of Membership
GOLD Finding an X10 in the lantana.
RED Finding your own arrow in the lantana.
BLUE Finding an arrow in the lantana.
BLACK Losing an X10 to the lantana.
WHITE Losing more than one arrow to the lantana.
GREEN Losing an arrow to the lantana.