Looking for something else? Try these…
Queensland Archery Clubs: AA, 3DAAA, ABA
Clubs of Australia – be part of life, join a club!
Ballina Devils Archers, Ballina
Beenleigh District Archery Club, Eagleby (Target)
Caloundra City Archers, Kawana (Target, Field)
Casino Eagle Archers, Casino, NSW
Centenary Archers, Sumner (Target)
Great Eastland Archery Club, Lismore, NSW
Gold Coast Archery, Tallebudgera Valley (Target)
Hervey Bay Archers, Hervey Bay (Target)
Mount Petrie Bowmen, Belmont (Target – outdoor & indoor, Field)
Samford Valley Target Archers, Samford (Target – outdoor & indoor)
Sprint Creek Archers, Spring Creek
Sunshine Coast Archery Club, Buderim (Target)
Tableland Company of Archers, Mareeba
Toowoomba Company of Archers, Toowoomba (Target – outdoor & indoor)
Cairns Archers, Cairns
Mossman Archery Club, Mossman
Peace International Archery Club, Rockhampton
Townsville PCYC Archery, Townsville (Target – outdoor & indoor)
Townsville Target Archers, Rosslea
South Qld
Charleville Filed Archers’ Association, Charleville (ABA paper, 3D, IFAA field)
Barambah Bowhunters & Field Archers, Nanango (ABA paper, IFAA field)
Darling Downs Field Archers, Cranley (ABA paper, 3D)
Grange Bowmen, Bridgeman Downs (ABA paper)
Lakeside Bowmen, Petrie (ABA paper, IFAA field)
Pacific Bowmen, Reedy Creek (ABA paper, 3D)
Renegade Bowmen, Ipswich (ABA paper, 3D, IFAA field)
Roma & District Bowmen, Roma
Sunshine Coast Bowmen, Chevallum (ABA paper, IFAA field)
Warwick & District Archers Assoication, Warwick (ABA paper)
Central Qld
Burnett Field Archers, Bundaberg
Capricorn Field Archers, Rockhampton (ABA paper, 3D, IFAA field)
Central Coast Field Archers, Gladstone
Central Highlands Archers, Bluff (ABA paper, 3D)
Emerald Archery Club, Emerald (ABA paper, 3D, IFAA field)
Gympie Field Archers, Gympie (Kadanga/Imbil) (ABA paper)
Moranbah Bowhunters & Field Archers, Moranbah (ABA paper)
North Burnett Field Archers, Gayndah
Saxon Archery Club, Bundaberg (ABA paper, IFAA field)
Wide Bay Archers, Susan River (ABA paper, 3D, IFAA field)
North Qld
Cairns Bowhunters
Cape York Bowhunters, Weipa
Collinsville Barebow Hunters, Collinsville
Hinchinbrook Bowmen, Ingham
Kurrimine Beach Archers, Kurrimine Beach
Mackay District Bowmen, Mackay
Mt Isa District Bowhunters, Mt Isa
Townsville District Bowhunters, Townsville
Towers Bowhunters, Townsville
Tully Bowmen, Tully
Twin Rivers Bowhunters, Cairns
Brisbane City 3D Archers
Caboolture Bowmen, Upper Caboolture (3D)
Cooloola Archers, Gympie (3D)
Hinterland Field Archers, Gaven (3D, IFAA field)
Ipswich Field Archers, South Ripley
North Albert Field Archers, Yatala (ABA paper, 3D)
Rowes Bay Archery Club of Townsville, Townsville
South Burnett Field Archers, Kingaroy
The Traditional Archery Companye, Caboolture
Archery Dealers - Australian
Abbey Archery - Sumner, Qld
Advanced Archery (NZ)
Apex Hunting - Capalaba, Qld
Archery Academy – SA
Archery Supplies - SA
Eagle Archery – Woodridge, Qld
Find It Archery Supplies – Gold Coast, Qld
Hoddywell Archery - WA
Oz Hunting & Bows - Vic
Pat’s Archery - SA
Redback Archery - Garbutt, Qld
Sioux Archery Supplies - Tiaro, Qld
Toowomba Archery Supplies, Toowomba, Qld
Urban Archery – Melbourne, Vic
Archery Dealers - International
3Rivers Archery – USA
Arrowhead – UK
Black Mamba Archery – USA
Carter’s Archery – USA
Custom Made Arrow Wraps – USA
Dragon Archery – Singapore
Fullpoint Archery – USA
Lancaster – USA
Merlin Archery – UK
Neet – USA
Quicks Archery – UK
The Archery Company – UK
Perris Archery – UK
Archeryshop – Asia
More Archery Websites
The Archery Library – older publications about archery dating from the 15th century to the mid 20th century
Arrow Speed Calculator – for finding theoretical sight settings from two empirically found settings
Archery TV – YouTube video collection of official World Archery matches from the World Cup, World Championships, and Olympics
Greenwood Osterly Archers – In depth article about archery mechanics
KSL Archery – Coach Ki Sik Lee, the former Australian and current USA target recurve team coach’s secrets
Performance Archery – experienced UK archer Alistair Whittingham gives video advice on all aspects of recurve and compound shooting technique; good for beginners
String making article from the Moorabbin Archery Club, Victoria; very comprehensive!
Texas State Archery Association – practical and technical info and advice, lots of it!
A Guide to Archery for Kids and Beginners - A very high level basic overview for kids.
World Archery
Field Archery Guidelines – everything you ever need to know about Field archery
Archery Books
Archers Reference download – an essential for every bookshelf, and it’s free!
Total Archery, 2nd Edition 2005 , Ki Sik Lee & Robert De Bondt
Inside the Archer, 1st Edition, 2009, Ki Sik Lee & Tyler Brenner
Astra Archery Specific Physical Training Handbook, 2009, Tyler Brenner & Tony Di Zinno
Mastering Archery, James Park
Mastering Archery Technique Analysis, James Park
Mastering Bow Tuning, 2004, James Park
Mastering Compound Bows, James Park
Archery Fundamentals, 2004, Douglas Engh
The Simple Art of Winning, 1996, Rick McKinney
The Heretic Archer, 2005, Vittoria & Michele Frangilli
Archery Videos
NUSensei (Aussie! Highly Recommended)
Rogue Archery TV (Brissy local! Highly Recommended)
Jake Kaminski (Ex Olympian)
Shatterproof Archery (Bowyer)
ArminHirmer (Traditional Archery)
World Archery (Competition Coverage)
Archery Supplies (South Australian Vendor)
Practical Archery (Nth QLDer!)