Frequently Asked Questions

Can I come & take a look around before I sign up?

Of course! Probably the best day of the week & time to do that is on Saturdays after 1pm. Around that time there should be someone available to answer any questions you have & to show you around. However, you can't "just have a quick shoot" unless you are already an Archery Club member. Sorry!

I've got my own Bow & Arrows. Can I just come and shoot at your field?

No! You MUST be a member of Archery Australia and/or our Club to shoot at our grounds. Learn more about joining here.

I am already a member, can I shoot at the club even if the club is closed?

Unless you have been given a key, or special permission, sorry but the answer is No! However, after some training & certain conditions, club members can apply for a key to two (2) external target butts which me make available for approved members use any day from 7am to 7pm.

I've done archery at a Club Med or lessons at school etc. Can I just join up?

Sadly, No. In order to join our club, you must have done a Come & Try class or Beginner's Course with a recognised club in the last 12 months. This is standard across all AA clubs. This is for your & everyone else's safety. While our sport is incredibly safe, you are wielding a deadly weapon after all. If you were a club member, you'd want us to make sure the person standing next to you with a loaded weapon is trained & safe too.

Why don't you have Come & Try classes in December & January?

There are a number of reasons for this:

Do I need my own archery gear?

The club has extensive hire gear available for new archers. We strongly recommend hiring gear at the beginning before you commit serious money to the sport. This is especially important for children who often change their minds about activities frequently.

As you get more experienced & stronger, you will progress through beginner gear fairly rapidly. You can often save yourself some significant money by progressing through the club hire bows till you're stronger & fitter, thus closer to your ideal bow weight (strength).

How much does it cost for me to learn & start shooting at your club?

Assuming the common case, that you're new to archery, the costs will break down like this:

For example, say you want to do ten (10) sessions of archery, but have no archery gear, you would pay:

If you did have your own gear, it would be:

Prices correct as at 1st January 2025, see our Come & Try and Membership & Fees pages for current pricing.

I work on a Saturday, what options are there for me?

Our main club day is Saturday. No doubt. Most of our training & club competitions are also performed on Saturdays too. However, the club is open for Archery Practice on at least a couple of Sundays a month, and most public holidays. We are also open on some mornings & afternoons during the working week. i.e. Monday Morning & Afternoon, and Thursday Afternoon. There are other Archery Clubs around South-East Queensland that open regularly on Sunday mornings (GCAC), and during the week & selected nights. (MPB & SVTA)

If you are looking to join, but can't attend a Saturday Come & Try class, please contact us. We may be able to arrange a private class for you, depending on our volunteer instructors' availability.

I've just finished a Come & Try class, can I just come down and shoot now?

Unfortunately, no. In order to shoot at our club requires membership to an Archery club, preferably ours. So, to shoot, you will need to join Archery Australia etc, and our club, otherwise you need to be under instruction. i.e. In one of our classes or 1:1 with an AA qualified instructor.

Once you join Archery Australia & our club on line, after we verify you have done the appropriate course, effectively you are a member immediately, and can shoot at our club. e.g. If you've just done our course, you can sign-up on-line on your phone, & show us the email receipt, pay the appropriate ground fees, and you can shoot immediately!

My child is under 10 years old, can they still do a Come & Try class or Join?

Our suggested minimum of 10 years old is based on a combination of maturity level and physical strength requirements.
We do however, have a hard minimum age limit of 8 years old.

While Archery is a very safe sport, our bows & arrows are not toys. In order to keep people safe we require children to be able to faithfully follow the instructions of someone other than their parents. As the parent, only you know that about your child. During a Come & Try class, you will be required to be at the club (participating is fine) as well.

They will be pulling back (equivalent of lifting) approximately 6kg or more, up to 50 or more times during a session. If you are not sure your child can do that, you are welcome to come down to the club when we are open and they can try pulling back one of our bows.

I really want to join your club ASAP, but there are no available spaces in the Come & Try class for ages, what can I do?

We require all of our archers to be suitably trained in archery.  As a bow and arrow together are treated as a loaded weapon, we need to make sure everyone at our club knows how to handle them safely. Our club runs almost-weekly Come & Try classes which covers the safety & basics of archery. This gives people a taste of Archery to see if they like it, and the necessary training to perform archery safely. There are other Archery Australia affiliated clubs & organisations around us,  who also hold similar Come & Try/Archery Introduction classes too. You can check with them as well, as they might have openings in their courses sooner than ours. Provided they are willing to give you a suitable certificate at the end of their course, we will accept that in lieu of our own training. Some places nearby you might want to try are (in distance from our club order):

We can also potentially arrange a private Come & Try class for you too.

Can I use a Fair Play voucher at your club?

Yes. Our club is a registered recipient of the Fair Play Voucher system. The vouchers are typically for $200.

They can be used for our Come & Try classes, our Beginners CourseAA & Club membership, and pretty much any service the club provides.

The Come & Try classes & our Beginners Course can be booked via our booking provider (Signonday) using the voucher directly. Unfortunately, the vouchers can't be used to purchase membership directly by yourselves. You will coordinate with you, process it, & then ensure the services are paid for from the club's accounts. We will work with you to maximise the value of the voucher as best we can while following the rules.
Remember: The rules of the voucher [5.2.b] are that the voucher can be used only once, we can't use the remainder later for other fees. e.g. Everything in one transaction.

For example:

or (if you've already recently done that course, or are a member already);

If you have any queries, please contact us.

Prices correct as at 1st January 2025, see our Come & Try and Membership & Fees pages for current pricing.

I have a Square Gift Certificate for a Come & Try class. How do I use it?

Normally, you can use our Gift Certificates directly at the Square Payment Terminal at the club. However, for our courses where you need to book on-line, that system doesn't use Square as a payment service, so we have to do things slightly differently. Instead, you book your course with all the people you're going to pay for, and stop just before entering your payment details. You then need to email us with the date, the names of the people, and all their details you've just entered details for, and the Square Gift Certificate codes you wish to use. We will process the codes and mark the individuals as paid in the system.

Where is my membership card? I still don't have one.

As of late 2023, Archery Australia (AA) no longer issues physical membership cards by default. As of the 1st of March 2024, they are now electronic and available via Archery Australia's Assemble membership system. (Link)

You can generate and dowload your membership card by logging in, click the "View" button on your appropriate profile, then choose the "Registration History" tab. Identify your most recent membership registration, then press the red Card Icon button in the "Operations" tab that is associated with that registration. This will generate & let you download your electronic membership card. It is recommended that you save this to your phone so you can display it when ever needed.

The official steps for obtaining your membership card are provided by Archery Australia here.

I'm confused. What do I need to do to join?

Our club (and all Archery Australia(AA) clubs) can't just let people walk up and join with no Target Archery experience. It's a huge safety issue, for yourself & others. Everyone on our range has to be intimately familiar with all the safety rules & signals, and how to control & use potentially lethal equipment.
To that end, in order to join an AA affiliated club (which our club is), we are required to ensure you're adequately trained so that you won't get hurt, or accidentally hurt others. We primarily do this via a Come & Try class. That class will teach you the safety basics you're expected to know, how to do the basics of archery so you don't hurt yourself later, and have a bunch of fun while doing all of it.

When you've recently completed that course, or have a recent certificate or membership of a similar club that we recognise, then & only then you can then apply for membership of our club, and enjoy the use of our facilities & offerings. When joining our club, you are not just joining the Centenary Archers Club, you're also joining AA, which allows you to shoot at other AA clubs all over Australia. This means we are vouching for you to an entire country & community of archers. Hence we have to be sure you know the rules, & are safe before we can let you join. Less obviously but equally true, it is also so we all remain covered by the various insurance policies.

Once you've applied to join our club, we will first check that you meet the requirements above. Assuming that is the case, we will notify you that you can shoot at our club immediately, and that your membership application will be reviewed by our committee within 1-4 weeks. Once they approve, you'll become a probationary member of our club, and after six (6) months, a full member. Because the committee review & approval process can take some time, you're able to use our club's facilities as normal members can, unless told otherwise.

When you're approved by our committee, we notify AA, and they will issue you an electronic membership card.  Once you have your AA card, you can potentially shoot at any AA affiliated club.

I'm a carer/support worker/parent etc. Do I need to book or pay as well when I'm only assisting an individual I'm looking after?

No. If you are not doing archery (shooting) as well, you don't need to book or pay at all. The same goes for visitors & spectators.

In Archery, we do have the concept of an athlete's agent. That's someone who assists an archer, ranging from giving archery advice & information to the archer on the shooting line, to going out to collect & score their arrows when they can't. In those cases, we will ask the agent to sign-in, so they're covered by insurance, but they still don't have to pay any fees etc.

Only the person shooting or under instruction incurs fees.

I'm a member of a different Archery Club. Can I shoot at your club too?

Heck yes!

We are a very welcoming & friendly archery club. We are open to all club archers whenever possible.

If you're a member of any Archery Australia (AA) club, you can shoot at our club as much as you like. Just present your AA card. There is a slightly higher fee for Visiting AA archers.

If you are a member of a club that is part of The Archery Alliance of Australia (i.e. 3DAAA, ABA, or TAA), or from a World Archery affiliated club from a different country, you can also shoot at our club too. Proof of membership of your home club is required. There is some minor paperwork, a higher fee for an Archery Alliance or International visitor and there is a limitation that you can only shoot a maximum of 4 times in a 12 month period before you need to become a member of an Archery Australia club.

How many target lanes & butts do you have?

Our lower (main) field has 35 shooting lanes, all of those lanes are available for practice. Our target lanes are 3 metres wide, easily allowing 3 archers per lane using 1 metre spacing. World Archery rules only require 80cm per archer. Of our lanes, all meet or exceed the standards for competitions. 33 of those lanes have a covered waiting line area & have a concrete shooting line.

We also have a smaller upper field that can host another 10 target lanes if required.

We have 13 x Danage target butts & 21 x On Target Archery butts.

That means on a normal practice day, we can have over 100 archers comfortable shooting simultaneously.

I'm already a member of another AA/SQAS archery club. I want to join your club as well. How do I do that?

Yes, this can be done. A number of our members are also members of other South East Queensland clubs. The main reason to do this is the ability to shoot at another club when it is nearer/open than the other one. This becomes economical after a handful of visits as members pay cheaper fees.

To do it, login to Archery Australia's Assemble Membership & Event system , then click the "Register" button on your preferred profile.  Make sure you are in BETA mode. i.e. Click "Switch to Beta Mode" in the top left corner. Then search for "Centenary", then select the "Centenary Archers Club - Additional Club Membership". or use the direct link:

Hopefully the rest is self-evident and obvious to you. 

This will allow you to sign up only for membership with the Centenary Archers Club. i.e. No Archery Australia or RGB membership. i.e. Adult fees are approx $70pa & Youth is $50pa. (as of January 2025) 

Your home club membership, with its AA & RGB membership, will still need to be current & valid to be able to shoot at our club despite having a membership with us. This is because your insurance cover is tied to your home/primary membership.

I'm an experienced club archer looking to get back into the club shooting after a gap of a year or more. What do I need to do?

For past archers who have belonged to a club fairly recently (non-shooting for a few years ago, not decades) we will let you skip our Come & Try classes, and we will have you shoot with one of our club instructors to ensure you are fine, safe, & are aware of Archery Australia (AA) Target Archery rules & etiquette. There is a minor fee (Visiting Non-AA Archers) for this. Once the instructor is happy, you're fine to shoot alone for the rest of the session, and apply for membership of our club.

If you are currently a member of a recognised non-AA club, the above applies as well.

If you want to take this approach, please let us know first so we can ensure we have an instructor available for you.

For current members of a non-Australian World Archery club, proof of membership & a letter from your club indicating you're in good standing is all that is needed.

When are you open?

We list when we are open on our calendar page & in our regular newsletters which are most up-to-date. Alternatively you can ask Google or look up our open hours on Google Maps.

I shoot at & visit the club very frequently. Is there a cheaper & better option for me?

Yes! Assuming you have all your own gear, you can choose to pre-pay an Annual Grounds Fee (AGF) which works out to be a ~20% discount compared to paying the per day rate for every Saturday. If you shoot more than once a week, it works out even better still. Plus, no more queueing at the payment terminal.

We also have two target butts available for approved members that can be used between 7am to 7pm even on days when the club is closed.

What is the maximum poundage bow I can use at your club?

Under the World Archery & Archery Australia rules, bows can have a maximum poundage (draw weight) of 60lbs/27.2kg. Our target butts are not designed to stop arrows higher than that, and our field safety precautions & margins are based on that maximum too. If you are unsure what the poundage of your bow is, please check with us before shooting it at our club. We have the tools to measure it too.