Awards, Medals, Recognition!
So you might have heard about “FITA Stars” or have seen club-members with little medals hanging from their quiver. And now you’re asking yourself: “What round do I shoot to get one of those little beauties?” Well, there are several types of medals, awards and records you can aim for, each described here. All information came from Archery Australia’s Awards document. If you know what you’re after, click one of the links to take you there! If not, browse down until you find something you can shoot for…
For Archery Australia classifications, ‘All Gold’, ‘Perfect 10’, and Club records
Eligible events
Club Shoots
World Archery (WA) registered events
FITA/WA Star events
Search Calendar for 'Mid Month', ‘End of Month’, ‘QRE’, ‘World Archery registered’, ‘FITA Star’, ‘WA Star’
All scores shot in a scheduled club shoot will count towards your classification.
All tournaments and QREs will shoot specific rounds registered with Archery Australia. For your score to be eligible for classification you must shoot one of those rounds. If you are unsure, check with the organisers first. The registered rounds are usually listed on the tournament or shoot invitation or announcement (and are also listed on the Archery Australia calendar).
Check our Calendar for registered events in SE Queensland. The Archer's Diary "Event Registration" entry should list the registered rounds for that particular shoot.
Mid Month & End of Month shoots at Centenary Archers are scheduled – search for Mid Month & End of Month on the calendar, then click on the calendar entry to find out which rounds are being shot that day.
The awards and medals you will be aiming for in these rounds are:
Archery Australia classification medals – see the Classifications page for details on how to get these.
The classifications are a good way for archers to track their improvement, especially for beginners.
Archery Australia bronze Perfect 10 – all 6 arrows from one end get a score of 10
Archery Australia bronze All Gold – all 6 arrows from one end hit the gold (either 9 or 10)
You can get an All Gold or Perfect 10 medal for each sized face you shoot on (e.g. If you get an all gold medal for shooting 30m on a 122cm face one day, you can still get another medal for a 30m all gold on an 80cm face)
Certificates for club records – check out our Club’s results page for details of Centenary Archers’ records
You can shoot a round and submit your score on any day, but this score will only be used for club records.
…and also get an opportunity to obtain Minimum Qualifying Scores for International Team Qualification and National Squad Criteria.
Eligible events
World Archery (WA) registered events
FITA/WA Star events
Search Calendar for: ‘QRE’, ‘World Archery registered’, ‘FITA Star’, 'WA Star'
You must shoot in an official, Archery Australia-registered ‘Qualifiying and Ranking Event’ (QRE), or a WA registered event. Check the SQAS calendar for official QREs in south-east Queensland & WA registered events – search for “QRE” or “WA registered”, or see the Australia-wide QREs on the AA website. A FAQ about the national ranking lists, and the lists for Target, Field, and Indoor are on the AA website (updated monthly).
To get onto the national ranking lists you will need to shoot a minimum qualifying score (see below) in one of your age-division/bow-type official rounds:
The Minimum Qualifying Scores (MQS) to get onto the national ranking list are:
Outdoor Target:
Men: 565
Women: 537
Men 611
Women 590
MQS from FITA 90 (men) or FITA 70 (women) 144 arrow rounds are generated from the addition of the 70 m + 50 m scores for both.
Indoor (Open division only – other age divisions under review by AA, 2013-03-26):
Recurve: FITA 18 m Indoor face MQS:
Men: 535
Women: 520;
Compound: FITA 18 m Indoor Inner 10 face MQS:
Men 545
Women 535
Field (Open division only – other age divisions under review by AA, 2013-03-26):
24 Target FITA Field off Red Pegs MQS
Men: 310
Women: 293
Men 340
Women 327
To get an Australian Tournament Record
Eligible events
World Archery registered events
FITA/WA Star events
Search Calendar for: ‘QRE’, ‘World Archery registered’, ‘FITA Star’, 'WA Star'
You must shoot in a QRE or World Archery registered event.
You must be a current Archery Australia member, there must be three other Archery Australia members participating in the tournament, and there must be competitors from more than one club competing.
Current records can be found here.
You can claim records for the following rounds:
Check the full details about Australian Tournament Records on the Archery Australia website.
To get a FITA/WA Star (Open age division) or Silver FITA/WA star (U18 or 50+ age division)
Your event must be registered as a “FITA Star Award event” or “WA Star Award event”
You must shoot a freestyle recurve or compound bow.
You receive a medal for the first time you reach each nominated score, in each bow-type (see image)
You must shoot the correct round for your division:
Check with SQAS or the club recorder to make your claim
To get a FITA/WA Target Award (Open age division) or Silver FITA/WA Target Award (U18 or 50+ age division)
Eligible events
FITA/WA Star events
World Archery registered events
Search Calendar for: 'FITA Star', 'WA Star', 'World Archery registered'
You must shoot in World Archery registered events for these awards.
You must shoot a recurve or compound bow
You must obtain the following scores in the listed round:
A Half FITA is 18 arrows at each distance over the round required for a FITA Star by that archer (Men: FITA 90/1440 round; Women: FITA 70/1440 round; U18/50+ Men: FITA 70/1440 round; U18/50+ Women: FITA 60/1440 round)
Check with SQAS or the club recorder to make your claim
To get an Archery Australia ‘Australian Star’
The AA Australian Stars are for archers shooting in a FITA/WA Star registered event, but shooting a round or using equipment that is ineligible for the FITA/WA star.
So: you cannot be eligible for a FITA/WA star or Silver FITA/WA star.
To claim you must score:
Compound & Recurve: may claim from 800
Barebow: may claim from 800
Longbow: may claim from 600
The eligible rounds for each age division are:
Check with SQAS or the club recorder to make your claim
Author: Naomi Etheridge