Monthly Medal
Club Champion


Every month (February to October) the club will hold a handicap competition where you can compete against all similarly competing archers at the club. Using a handicap system, it effectively levels all the different archers, ages, genders, bow types, & skill levels together plus is independent of the round or the distance shot.

The club will name the winner and issue a medallion each month (as above) to the archer who wins. This will be determined by the Archer's Diary handicap system, which will indicate via the archer's handicap/rating who has most improved.

In the unlikely event of a tie, it will go to the archer who has not yet won a monthly medal for this calendar year; or if that still doesn't resolve a single winner, then it will go to whichever remaining archer has shot the highest arrow score on the day.

At the completion of the monthly competitions for that year, all the winners will be invited to compete against each other in the Graeme Jeffery Memorial tournament. Of those monthly winners competing, the most improved archer on the day will win a bespoke annual trophy; a prize of a complimentary Annual Ground Fee (up to $250 in value); & bragging rights for the next year.


Any financial archer of our club is welcome and encouraged to participate.
All ages, all genders, all bow types,  and all experience levels.


Why not?! Seriously, the main reasons are to give our members an incentive to improve their archery skills, to stretch themselves, & to give competitive archery a go.


Typically the rounds shot during the monthly competitions will be the 90 arrow variety, but that may change for some months.
The Graeme Jeffery Memorial tournament however is a 90 arrow event. Scores must be entered in Archer's Diary to be valid.


Unless otherwise announced, the Monthly Competition will typically be held in the Afternoon on the Last Saturday of each month (February to October). The ultimate End of Year competition will be at the Graeme Jeffery Memorial tournament which is normally held on a Sunday morning mid-to-late November.

How Much?

The monthly competitions incur no additional cost above the normal ground fees etc. Basically it is free!
The ultimate trophy & prizes requires participation in the fundraising Graeme Jeffery Memorial tournament which does attract a small competition fee.


All a club archer needs to do is sign in on Archer's Diary via Event Registration (Australia, South Queensland Archery Society, & Centenary Archers) or follow the link in the newsletter, and select an appropriate event & target round that you think you can do. Archer's Diary & the Handicap system will take care of the rest. Oh, you have to compete/participate of course!

Please note, that the system will not assign you an official handicap until you have competed in at least three (3) recorded rounds. FYI, OzBow rounds count towards the three that set your handicap.


Overall: Alex Hill